Before long the WTBTS will run an all-out online religion for the affluent populace with an podcast and download presence.
bats in the belfry
JoinedPosts by bats in the belfry
Jehovah's Witnesses dismayed by new magazine format from Watchtower Society.
by Balaamsass inwow.
i was surprised this week by calls from active jws complaining about the new magazine format, and more begging for money from the platform.. frankly i was surprized by this reaction since this is old news to jwn members.
i guess actually shuffling to the bookroom and grabbing the new "awake tracts" minus the inside cover forward ...awakened many sleepy, catatonic, bored jws who never read the things or go on the internet anyway.. any feedback from other areas?.
WT: World War I started in October 1914 (not July 1914)
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to the wt, these are the actual sequence of events that led to the start of world war i:.
1) the gentile times ended on october 1/2, 1914.
2) jesus took the throne immediately thereafter.. 3) one of jesus' first tasks as the newly enthroned king was to engage in a heavenly war against satan and his demons.. 4) having won the war against satan and his demons, jesus expelled satan and his demons from the heavenly realm giving them only terrestial access.. 5) since satan is a sore loser, he became extremely bitter and decided to wreak havoc upon all the earth.. 6) filled with anger, satan then provoked the nations of the earth into a 4 year bloody battle known today as world war i. so there you have it... wwi started sometime in october of 1914 (not july 1914 as history books would have you believe).
bats in the belfry
I guess folks noted the discrepancy. The WTBTS is attempting to patch up the two endpoints, 1914 & 1918.
The answer to how soon after 1914 is - soon after 1914. Wow.
At this point, it may be helpful to consider what might be viewed as a Bible parallel. Jesus Christ was anointed as the future King of God’s Kingdom in the fall of 29 C.E. Three and a half years later, in the spring of 33 C.E., he was resurrected as a mighty spirit person. Could it, then, be reasoned that since Jesus was enthroned in the fall of 1914, the resurrection of his faithful anointed followers began three and a half years later, in the spring of 1918? That is an interesting possibility. Although this cannot be directly confirmed in the Bible, it is not out of harmony with other scriptures that indicate that the first resurrection got under way soon after Christ’s presence began.
The Watchtower 2007, January 1, page 28 par. 12
- When was Satan cast out of heaven?
Although the Bible book of Revelation does not give the precise time of Satan’s ousting, it does mention a series of events that can help us to estimate when he was cast out of heaven. First among the events is the birth of the Messianic Kingdom. Subsequent to that, “war broke out in heaven,” which led to Satan’s defeat and his finally being cast out of heaven.The Scriptures clearly mark 1914 as the year when “the appointed times of the nations” ended and the Kingdom was established. (Luke 21:24) How soon after that did the war in heaven break out, resulting in Satan’s ousting?
“The dragon [Satan] kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth,” states Revelation 12:4, “that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child.” This shows that Satan wanted to dispose of the newborn Kingdom quickly, at the moment of its birth if at all possible. Though Jehovah’s intervention prevented Satan from realizing his wicked intention, Satan was determined and relentless in his effort to do harm to the newly established Kingdom. It stands to reason, therefore, that “Michael and his angels” would waste no time in taking action to remove “the dragon and its angels” from the heavenly scene so that no harm could come to the Kingdom. This suggests that the defeat and ousting of Satan took place soon after the Kingdom’s birth in 1914.
Another factor to consider is the resurrection of anointed Christians, which—as Scriptural evidence indicates—began soon after the establishment of the Kingdom. (Rev. 20:6) Since none of Christ’s anointed brothers are spoken of as accompanying Jesus in the battle with the dragon and its angels, the war in heaven and the ousting of Satan and his demons would have been completed by the time the resurrection of Christ’s brothers got under way.
So, then, the Bible does not reveal the exact time when Satan and his demons were expelled from heaven. Nevertheless, it is evident that this event closely followed the enthronement of Jesus Christ in heaven in 1914.
WT: World War I started in October 1914 (not July 1914)
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to the wt, these are the actual sequence of events that led to the start of world war i:.
1) the gentile times ended on october 1/2, 1914.
2) jesus took the throne immediately thereafter.. 3) one of jesus' first tasks as the newly enthroned king was to engage in a heavenly war against satan and his demons.. 4) having won the war against satan and his demons, jesus expelled satan and his demons from the heavenly realm giving them only terrestial access.. 5) since satan is a sore loser, he became extremely bitter and decided to wreak havoc upon all the earth.. 6) filled with anger, satan then provoked the nations of the earth into a 4 year bloody battle known today as world war i. so there you have it... wwi started sometime in october of 1914 (not july 1914 as history books would have you believe).
bats in the belfry
1975 Yearbook
WT: World War I started in October 1914 (not July 1914)
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to the wt, these are the actual sequence of events that led to the start of world war i:.
1) the gentile times ended on october 1/2, 1914.
2) jesus took the throne immediately thereafter.. 3) one of jesus' first tasks as the newly enthroned king was to engage in a heavenly war against satan and his demons.. 4) having won the war against satan and his demons, jesus expelled satan and his demons from the heavenly realm giving them only terrestial access.. 5) since satan is a sore loser, he became extremely bitter and decided to wreak havoc upon all the earth.. 6) filled with anger, satan then provoked the nations of the earth into a 4 year bloody battle known today as world war i. so there you have it... wwi started sometime in october of 1914 (not july 1914 as history books would have you believe).
bats in the belfry
Just quoting minimus: Satan was ejected from heaven the latest by March 26, 1918.
WT: World War I started in October 1914 (not July 1914)
by Calebs Airplane inaccording to the wt, these are the actual sequence of events that led to the start of world war i:.
1) the gentile times ended on october 1/2, 1914.
2) jesus took the throne immediately thereafter.. 3) one of jesus' first tasks as the newly enthroned king was to engage in a heavenly war against satan and his demons.. 4) having won the war against satan and his demons, jesus expelled satan and his demons from the heavenly realm giving them only terrestial access.. 5) since satan is a sore loser, he became extremely bitter and decided to wreak havoc upon all the earth.. 6) filled with anger, satan then provoked the nations of the earth into a 4 year bloody battle known today as world war i. so there you have it... wwi started sometime in october of 1914 (not july 1914 as history books would have you believe).
bats in the belfry
4) Having won the war against Satan and his demons, Jesus expelled Satan and his demons from the heavenly realm giving them only terrestial access.
This supposed fight was not a matter of days or months. Doesn't a captain at the helm always leave last? Satan was thrown out of heaven in 1918.
In fact, at the very time that Christ Jesus was being enthroned as King of the heavenly kingdom in 1914 (Dan. 7:13, 14), Satan was permitted to enforce a grueling ‘Babylonish-like captivity’ upon the anointed remnant on earth from 1914 to 1919. The Kingdom’s establishment in 1914 immediately brought war between its enthroned King, Christ Jesus, called Michael, and the opposer Satan with his wicked angels. This resulted in Satan’s complete defeat by 1918, when he and his wicked forces were ejected from the heavenly realm to be cast downward into the vicinity of the earth.
w66 9/15 p. 553 par. 2
Did I do a fade without knowing it?
by Aussie Oz inseeing that there a few new fade threads, and farkels hard to top one, got me to wondering if i actually faded without realizing it till 14 years later.... rewind to 1998 when i just plum ran out of steam.
too many years battling my personal demons resulted in a rapid cease function and in the course of a couple of months i went from m/s and the guy most likely to succeed to leaving wife and congregation.
i passed in asignments, stopped preaching and meetings cold turkey, handed back public talks etc.
bats in the belfry
Aussie Oz >> By your own admission you were DF. How were they able to catch on to your fade? I guess at that point it became clear that it was an act of fading.
Just Sharing: I Visited Chuck Taze Russells Gravesite
by daringhart13 injust nothing more than a 'share'..... i was in pittsburgh on business and took a day off and paid a visit to russells grave.. i haven't stopped laughing since.
i'm worried i'm going to break ribs.. had i seen this as a young kid/adult.....i surely would have thought "wtf???".
folks...if you ever needed confirmation this whole thing is a laughable cult......make your way to pittsburgh and see chuck's resting spot.......its worth it just get pictures with his pyramid.. lol.
bats in the belfry
I honestly could NOT stop laughing the entire time
. . . all the pain, sorrow, tears, . . . anguish, sheer misery, . . . and wasted energies his ideas unleashed upon the puritan part of mankind:
I just can't bring myself to laugh.
Just Sharing: I Visited Chuck Taze Russells Gravesite
by daringhart13 injust nothing more than a 'share'..... i was in pittsburgh on business and took a day off and paid a visit to russells grave.. i haven't stopped laughing since.
i'm worried i'm going to break ribs.. had i seen this as a young kid/adult.....i surely would have thought "wtf???".
folks...if you ever needed confirmation this whole thing is a laughable cult......make your way to pittsburgh and see chuck's resting spot.......its worth it just get pictures with his pyramid.. lol.
bats in the belfry
The Souvenir Convention Report, Pittsburgh, Penn., January 2-5, 1919 had this to say:
"These monster blocks of pink (Brother Russell’s favorite tint) granite were brought all the way from Granite Mountain Quarries, near Marble Falls City in Texas, upon a special flat car, and are said to be about 95 per cent flint rock."
Since CTR supposedly never consummated on his marriage vow, then why this pasttime fantasy in a favorite tint of pink?
Surgeons urged to avoid transfusions
by bats in the belfry | news.
witness patients often do betterthe sydney morning heraldsurgeons urged to avoid transfusions.
australia: hospital patients who are jehovahs witnesseswho refuse blood transfusions on religious groundsactually do better than other patients, reports the october 2, 2012, issue of the sydney morning herald.. .
bats in the belfry
JW.ORG | News
Witness Patients Often Do Better
The Sydney Morning Herald
Surgeons urged to avoid transfusions
AUSTRALIA: “Hospital patients who are Jehovah’s Witnesses—who refuse blood transfusions on religious grounds—actually do better than other patients,” reports the October 2, 2012, issue of The Sydney Morning Herald. The report cites Clinical Professor James Isbister from the Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney. “Professor Isbister said Jehovah’s Witnesses were given better treatment by doctors trying to preserve their [the Witness patients’] blood. As a result they had better survival rates, and shorter hospital and intensive care stays than people who received blood transfusions during surgery,” reports the paper.
Doctor Isbister’s views are by no means unique. Regarding Witness patients who have cardiac surgery, the July 2, 2012, issue of a journal produced by the American Medical Association says: “Witnesses had fewer acute complications and shorter length of stay than matched patients who received transfusions.”
SURGEONS are being urged to cut their use of blood transfusions, with experts saying the life-saving but risky procedure is being used unnecessarily.
Rates of blood transfusion use differ noticeably between surgeons, and research indicates some are not careful enough to ensure patients don't bleed unnecessarily during surgery.
James Isbister, a professor from the University of Sydney's medical school, said some doctors were using blood transfusions too freely because they believed them to be benign. "If [blood transfusion] is not used appropriately it's got more possible complications than other therapies because you are basically doing a transplant," he said.
"We have talked about alternatives to transplants for years but … a lot of alternatives shouldn't be alternatives - stopping a patient bleeding is not an 'alternative'."
Hospital patients who are Jehovah's Witnesses - who refuse blood transfusions on religious grounds - actually do better than other patients.
Professor Isbister said Jehovah's Witnesses were given better treatment by doctors trying to preserve their blood. As a result they had better survival rates, and shorter hospital and intensive care stays than people who received blood transfusions during surgery.
Studies comparing surgeons have found some used transfusions in only 10 per cent of patients, while others used them in 80 per cent of cases.
Blood transfusions put stress on the lungs and can cause lung injury and organ failure, as well as potentially having long-term consequences, although the reason is unknown.
On Sunday, Professor Isbister addressed the scientific congress of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists about the issue. He said it was also important for patients to consult their GPs before surgery to ensure they had a healthy blood count.
In 2012-13 governments will spend more than $1 billion on blood and blood-related products, according to the National Blood Authority.
Its general manager, Leigh McJames, said while transfusions can be life-saving, evidence showed up to 20 per cent of them could be unnecessary in some patient groups.
Correction: Due to an editing error, an earlier version of this article incorrectly said Christians were given better treatment by doctors.
New Pattern regarding Science in the Awake
by konceptual99 inreading the first couple of awakes for 2013 i think there is a pattern developing.. they have the regular "could it have happened by chance" article on something amazing in nature but they are also interviewing a scientist who is also a witness.
this is a pretty interesting tack on a number of levels.. firstly it is sending out the implicit message that "look, this educated person accepts creation, the flood and every other account that is at odds with generally accepted science, so that should give you confidence that you are right as well".
secondly, as a magazine designed for public comsumption is suggests to non-witnesses that there are many well educated people who accept the bible.
bats in the belfry
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